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Python Premium Package

Course Instructor vinay narlagiri


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Course Overview

TopTech MNC Employee Instructors:

Learn directly from industry leaders! Our courses feature instructors who are

Toptech MNC employees, bringing real-worldexperience and practical insights into the classroom. Stay ahead of the curve with knowledge that goes beyond traditional textbooks.

Partnership with Telangana's Largest IT Startup Incubators: As trailblazers in the education space, we've established partnerships with Telangana's largest IT startup incubators, including the renowned WowWarangal Startup Incubators. Immerse yourself in a n environment that nurtures innovation and prepares you for the dynamic world of startups.

Top MNC Industry Connections:

Connect with the best in the industry through our extensive network of top multinational companies. Benefit from exclusive interactions, workshops, and networking opportunities with professionals at the forefront of technological advancement


Our commitment t o bridging the gap between academia and industry is evident in our strong industry connections. Engage with industry experts, attend conferences, and join forums that provide valuable insights into the latest trends a n d developments.

Internship Opportunities:

Gain hands-on experience through exclusive internship opportunities with leading

companies. Apply your knowledge in practical settings, develop a robust skill set, and enhance your employability in the competitive tech landscape.


Your success is our priority! Our dedicated placement assistance program is designed to guide you toward rewarding career opportunities. Leverage our connections with top companies for a smooth transition from student to


Weeks 1-2: Introduction to Python and Basics

Week :1Getting Started

Overview of Python and its uses Installing Python and an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Writing and running your first Python program

Week 2: Python Basics

Variables and data types

Operators and expressions

Input and output operations

Weeks 3-4: Control Flow and Functions Week 3: Control Flow

Conditional statements (if, elif, else) Looping structures (for, while)

Exception handling Week 4: Functions

Defining and calling functions Parameters and return values Scope and lifetime of variables

Weeks 5-6: Data Structures in Python

Week 5: Lists and Tuples Understanding lists and tuples

List and tuple operations

Slicing and indexing

Weeks 7-8: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Introduction to OOP

Understanding OOP concepts Classes and objects in Python Class methods and attributes

Inheritance and Polymorphism


Weeks 9-10: File Handling and Modules File Handling

Reading and writing to files Working with different file formats (text, CSV, JSON)

Week 10: Modules and Libraries

Importing and using modules Introduction to standard libraries

Creating and using your own modules


 Week 11-12: Advanced Lists and Tuples List comprehensions

Advanced tuple techniques

Deep dive into list methods Advanced Dictionaries and Sets

Dictionary comprehensions Advanced set operations Handling complex data structures

Weeks 13-14: Web Development with Flask

Introduction to Web Development Overview of web development Introduction to HTML and CSS Setting up a basic Flask project Building Web Applications with Flask Routing and templates in Flask Handling forms and user input Introduction to Flask extensions

Weeks 15-16: Database Integration Introduction to Databases

Basics of relational databases

SQL fundamentals

Connecting Python to databases Database Operations with Python Performing CRUD operations

Weeks 17-18: Introduction to Data Science with Pandas and NumPy Data Manipulation with Pandas Overview of Pandas library DataFrames and Series

Data cleaning and manipulation Week 18: Numerical Computing with NumPy

Weeks 19-20: Introduction to Machine


Basics of Machine Learning

Week21-22: Introduction to Version Control

Understanding version control systems

Installing and configuring Git

Basic Git commands and workflows

Overviewofmachinelearningconcepts Introduction to scikit-learn

Weeks 23-24: Testing and Debugging

Introduction to Testing Importance of testing in software development

Writing and running tests in Python Unit testing with unittest module

Weeks 25: Final Project and Review Capstone Project and Course Review Integrating learned concepts into a final project

Week 26: Final Exam

Schedule of Classes

Course Curriculum

1 Subject

Python Premium Package

Course Instructor

tutor image

vinay narlagiri

34 Courses   •   43 Students